>>6583416Ok listen here you little shit.
You weren't born into this world for a reason. Nothing in this world has reason. Everything dies and then gets forgotten. Thats a FACT. Except for one thing. Pain. PAIN is what matters. PAIN is what drives the world, or rather the avoidance of pain. But it seams too me that you want to avoid pain in the most destructive way possible.
Let me guess you wish you were born as someone else right? Well you CAN BE someone else. You have money. USE THEM to buy your life. Get out Finland, go find a job somewhere and surround yourself with distractions. Yes it sound not that much better. But guess what. EVERYONE IS DOING THAT.
Life is PAIN. We chase things to distract us from that fact. For some it is sex for others money or a family or something. I say FUCK all that. If none of that make sense to you or dont matter to you. then find SOMETHING that does. Doesnt matter what. A job, books, art, music, dancing, video games, anime, hiking, picking flowers, walking in the city, weed, gardening, psychoanalysis, science, politics YOU fuckign name it. DO that thing. No it holds no point in the future. But you dont live in the future you live NOW. And the NOW is painful so you need something to push back against the pain. Suicide is option of the man who has nothing to lose, and even he loses his potential.
Just fuck the world, become a living MEME and do what you like because you like it and because it makes the pain bearable.
Fuck "friends" fuck your "family", choose the path that will lead you to life. Read some fucking books while you are getting there.
Why go after the only thing guaranteed in life? Go after the thing that isn't sure that will be hard but rewarding for you, whatever that is. You have many chances to do it, your age doesn't matter, who you are doesn't matter only that you are alive. Don't be struck down by reality. REJECT REALITY AND PUT YOUR OWN IN ITS PLACE! LIVE AND PUSH BEYOND YOUR LIMITS! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!