>>16401430> they might not have anyone else to tellig but its always like "oh my dead loved one really dug this song guys"
like why are you telling that to youtube lol
honestly even seeing it in the eyes of a lonely 50 year old thats just retarded to do
or maybe its just me
because in my eyes not keeping shit like that to yourself is disrespectful
it seems innocent enough to just be mentioning it cause it kind of relates to the song or whatever but honestly even then just dont, to me its tainting their memory by babbling about it on random places and for what really
u might say me thinking its immoral is irrational but you probably do it with a lot of things as well
where u cant really explain why its immoral but yet you believe it is, u should relate
things society as a collective sees fucked up as incest for example
which is messed up yea but you cant really sit down and explain longform why incest is so terribly immoral, we just believe it is
in that way, talking about a dead loved one in random spaces is scummy to me
others might not see it that way idk
but yet again, i guess anybody who thinks about it for 10 seconds should figure that theyre better off not doing it, but ur average 50 year old whos using youtube to listen to his favorite songs isnt aware of much at all and think social media is their buddy or something lol, idk they just see it as an important place while its very insignificant and i dont think worth talking about something so personal in, its kind of insulting really
but ya i guess whatever
at the end of the day i laugh whenever i see one cause theyre fucking everywhere doing the same shit and its just comes off as so messed up that its funny
i also dont doubt that a lot do it cause they want the attention from it
cause we know people at this point
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