>>13466633Im not complaining, lets be clear about this, ...... I dont care about your problems. If theres nothing in it for me, then Im not in it. is that selfish? Sure is. My life, is all about me, not you. If I didnt care about me, who will? If I am unwilling to look out for my interests, who will. Why should I sacrifice my life for you? Why should I lay some offering upon the altar of your life, what have you done for me?
Dont get me wrong. life is reciprocal. I help those who help me. but thats a two way street, its not always 50-50, but its a two way street. I dont owe anyone anything, i dont 'owe" the world my life! My life is given to me, and me alone. And its not only my choice to give my life to myself, it is my moral duty to do so (and your as well). because if I dont become me, if I am not myself, but a slave to another (or even worse a slave to another's ideology) then i have deprived the world of me. and the worlds deserves me (i dont know why it deserves me, that another question). nature, luck, god, random chance ... whatever you want to call it, saw fit to embody my existence, created me and sent me here. for how long i do not know, for what purpose i do not know, but here i was sent, and here i must be.
So i must be me. I must become myself. To do accomplish this, I cannot allow myself to be a slave to another, or someone else's ideas. I must form my own ideas, must follow my own path. And the wonder of it is, that no one but me can go down this path, I was chosen to live this life, no one can ever look out from behind my eyes and see the world as I see it. I am unique (and so are you) and my view of this world, my perspective, is also unique (and so is yours). You have been given life anon, and but for the grace of god, go you. Do not deprive the world of yourself by being a slave to another mans ideology. think for yourself. Become yourself. the world deserves you.