>>10126699>Smell like shit if you don't bathe them every single day(usually still stink)>Shit on the floor if you leave them alone for more than 6 hours, so good luck working an 8 hour shift to buy it food, or god forbid you want to take a vacation>Will regularly destroy random objects and empty and shred the entire contents of your garbage can because you left the room for 30 seconds>False sense of security in that if you train them their entire life not to bite people, they will not attack intruders, and if you train them to bite people, you have an aggressive dog that will randomly attack people, so they're utterly useless for security, despite popular opinion>Even the most well trained Labrador has a chance of becoming confused an mauling a child to death>Die after 8-12 years leaving you grief stricken in no time at all(cats live up to 20 years)>NEEDY NEEDY NEEDY. Don't wan't to waste 45 minutes walking it? Don't want to pet it because your hands will stink? Don't want to play with its filthy slobbered on toys? Don't want to spend 45 minutes bathing it every night after work? Too bad, should have gotten a catOf course dog niggers will overlook all of this because apparently having a massive burden is awesome