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>be me
>be in a group with “friends” (actually normies and tards, the worst combination)
>nintendrone brings in his switch, also his xbox too but he mostly plays switch
>personally, i was never a fan of nintendo, i just find it okay
>decide “fuck it, i’ll play smash to pass the time”
>we play a few games however the nintendrone uses terry as his best character which he manages to beat me and some unimportant normie who decided to play with a match being won by me here and there
>everytime he lost, he would be salty and call me a spammer
>everytime he won, he made a smart-ass sly comment
>put up with it for a bit but by comment number 10, i’m getting pissed off
>notice his technique is basically spam the shit out of whatever hits someone which unfortunately works every time
>whenever i call him out for it, he tells me to shut up which i respond with “no you”
>suddenly decides he wants everyone to be pichu
>fuck that shit.mp3
>forces me to try to play pichu
>a devillish idea pops into my mind
>decide to select pichu but switch out at the last second when the nintendrone picks pichu, play pikachu instead and hit start before he can stop me
>he gets super pissed and forces me to hand over my controller, also calling me an ass for not going through with his shitty match
Why are nintendrones such fucking babies?