>>19061642>TREE TIMES, BABY!>TREE TIME FAHKING CHAMP>I TOLD YOU I'D DO ITAva walks around the ring and climbs each turnbuckle, raising her title in the air for all the audience to see
>You all tought I couldn't do it>No vay I could do 2 matches in von night, a street fight and a tree vay dance>And sure, I lost dat Super Mario Multiplayer vatever title in a bullshit finish,but who cares about dat shit?>I'M DE HARDCORE GODDAMN CHAMPION>Let me say someting to Cassie Maverick quickly, since she's probably in shock about losing de title like dis>Cassie, you got so caught up in your feud vit de Jersey Devil dat you forgot about me, you forgot de power I hold>Sure, she ended up being de von to pin you, but it could only happen because of de damage done by me>And now you're probably vondering vat to do. You're beaten, bruised and alone in a vorld you don't fully understand>Vell you chose dis, Cassie, you chose to come here>You tought it vould be glamorous, a place vhere you could quickly rise to de top and have all de glory>But now you lie in defeat vit no gold and no glory. Your veaknesses have been exposed, you've been beaten and left vulnerable, and you're gonna get eaten alive here>I varned you>And JD>Vat do I make of you?>You've helped me find my vay, but are you still testing me or do you not understand your purpose?>Satan sent you here because he chose me>He has chosen me as his von true child, christened me as de bringer of pain and suffering and de saint of hardcore and brutality>Yes, I lost de title before, but inevitably it came back to me>And dat vill be de story for all eternity, sooner or later, von vay or anudder, it vill alvays come back to me>So let me explain dis for you two and all dose who vish to enter my division>Dis is my home but vill be your hell>Dis is my vorld vhere I rule vit an iron fist>De WWA hardcore division... is Ava's Vorld