>>20249533https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8vsTNFUFJEU>Inb4 a human is controlling itYea that's how they learn, for now.
Actually Elon is doing more for robowaifus than any human being currently alive on earth.
He's investing into humanoid robots heavily, and that's how robowaifus will come about. First you'll have a household robot with an embedded LLM that can move around the house and do chores, which is what companies try to get to in the next 5-6 years.
Then people will mod them or make them be able to hold a conversation. Meanwhile they will be getting better and better (e.g. there's this new paper now where they had them simulate actions with random noise and it made them be able to do novel tasks with amazingly increased efficiency, sometimes on the first try).
Then people will mod them and change and jailbreak them and add features etc.
The market is there, the amount of people who would like a household robot is probably in the billions.
RobowAIfus are just a natural extension to that.
I'm starting to think that you don't know how modern capitalism works, at all.