>>21663270Wignat ideology is centered around roasties. They have rallies for roasties. They have a 14 word slogan for roasties. They worship pagan idols of fat roasties. They post pics of roasties in wheat fields. They watch propaganda movies made by roasties. They build lebensborn camps for bulls to impregnate their favorite roasties. Their idolize the nazis who were cucked by the millions when their trad roasties opened their legs for Russian cock. When you say "White Race" they're not thinking of the men who built civilization. They're thinking of roasties. Their stormfront forums are completely overrun with roasties crying about asian women. Their men sit around posting about how great roasties are while their "reformed" tradwives sit around watching nigger tiktoks. They worship "based" roastie e-celebs while attacking the misogynists who actually built their country before roasties took over. They watch roastie feminists whine about trannies and celebrate when the roasties win because those roasties are true red blooded trad roasties. They will tell you how much they hate roasties and how the wignat simp meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love roasties but the evidence speaks for itself in that wignats have always been and will be a group of roastie loving roasties