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Are you guys fucking retarded?
Why is it everything (((nasa))) or (((spacex))) says some shit you all take it seriously?
We dont trust the media but once its (((science))) oriented you all fucking gobble it up
Heres the redpill faggots
>USA and one world government have had UFO level tech since the late 1800s
>Easily 100+ years ahead of where you think it is
>Nasa and spacex designed to keep you complacent with a snails pace fake and gay level of technology
>Base on moon and mars since atleast 1950s
>They use media and movies to make you associate UFOs with the (((ayyys))) when really its 99% manmade
Look into magnetohydrodynamics if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, i have little patience for debating with shills and retards
Ayys are involved as well and its incredibly gay, they pretty much trade human lives to be able to keep up the charade
This tech can solve every single infrastructural issue on earth but they keep it for themselves so the goyim keep channeling energy in banknotes and building their machines for them in a compartmentalized nature so they dont catch on
This is probably the biggest and least palatable redpill of all. Understanding this will unravel every other thing
Theres already a one world government
Wars are a form of human sacrifice ritual to appease the masters and keep people divided and distracted.
I am stalked by glowniggers for just knowing about this
I have tons and tons of evidence and proof because they dont hide anything due to the occult jewish belief that if they operate in the open they will face no karmic backlash