[The dirty green dreadlocks sway side to side as our environmentally friendly partygoer wanders up to an unnamed, stacked blonde in a slingkini.]
>priscilla, um, like, is so cool, you know, haha, um, to throw this, like, party>no seriously, um, like, i don't know the last time, um, i was, like, feeling so freeeeeee or whatever, you know?>huh oh yeah, um, i can't wait to meet her. like i was gonna try and, um, you know, ask to, like, be one of her, uh... one of the, um... you know, like the... the... those wing girls>haha yeah those divine wing girls haha, that would be so cool>so, uh, if you see, um, priscilla let her know, uim, that i want to, like, talk to her, yeah?