>>9704555All number systems that use fractions or decimals came from babylonian/khazarian/pharisee kike parasites. It was later kiked up some more by the british royal sociey then in the past 100 or so years by the cia, terry davis only knew about the last iteration of kikery. The glow niggers have ben cluster fucking everything since the dawn of this age. Why was the Bible written in Greek not hebrew yet the Greeks were hardly ever mentioned in the Bible. Greeks invented the word LOGOS, Jesus was 1 man with his own sense of Logos. The Chad Greeks were THOUSANDS of men with their own Logos. They wrote it in Greek because it was plainly obvious Chad Greek was a Divine language. Pre 350 BC Greeks were Godly men. Read about the Greek Xenophon. He led 10,000 (iirc) greeks with little food accross the desert through heavily fortified cities through massive 100k to 1 million man armies of persians and muslims. The 300 spartans would have legitimately killed all 1,000,000 persians had they not been betrayed. They fought in the 1 True way of martial combat, breathed in the 1 True way of breathing, moved in the 1 True way of movement. Theyd have been seen as gods compared to men today. Russian special forces Spetsnaz get taught the 1 True way of martial combat. All legendary warriors had to learn the 1 True way of martial combat through hundreds of fights to the death. Russian spetsnaz perfected it. Spartans used it. They would have never gotten tired, ever, and could have fought for days with lil rest. They legit could have killed a million persians. Chad greeks are who we should be aspiring towards.