Why are western people retarded philistines who don't understand culture?
Anonymous ID:9iK7QfDR No.17691186 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I'm wearing a moroccan djellaba and I'm from the us, whenever I walk out sometimes I get retards and bigots giving me nasty looks as if they never saw moroccan clothing before, I git stalked and almost attacked by a drunk guy who works at a brewery just for me wearing this, Americans are fucking retarded ignorant animals and I like to expose westernized peoples ignorances.
I don't know about European nations or anglo countries, buy America has retarded social morres and ridiculous social rules, you can't go up to a woman and ask her out, you can't dress modestly as I am with the djellaba, Americans have weird cringe humor that's not even funny (watch helluava boss or any live action american comedy and then watch autstralias big lez show to see a difference in humor).
It's amazing how western people who know nothing of culture except through Hollywood movies and shitty tourism can think I'm wearing a star wars costume because that's all they know.