>>9881842>>>9881788 (OP)>Why do you believe anyone will ever be punished?They already are being punished, we don't even have to say a word or do anything.
They feel totally stupid or mad at the world.
They can't find a good man, femcels essentially.
Disowned by their family often, lose friends get weird looks from people on the street.
Worst case I heard was a woman actually drowned her goblin "by accident".
I'm not a psychic or can't read the future but things are accelerating and there is no way this century passes without some sort of civil conflict that encompasses everything from economic factors to ethnic religious and even racial elements.
It's a fine line keeping this all together.
Can you think of a more polarised time anon?
Someday a straw will break the camels back. And when it's broken anything is possible.
You of all people should be aware of what happens to rape babies before from the turk.
They had a nice swim to hades.