>>19741183> uncultured spic nigger detectedI didn't say they surpassed or equated europeans, just that their achievements are notable, unlike pretty much every other asian and brownoid race on earth. Their minimalist architecture and interior design is cool, their woodblock prints are interesting and were hugely influential to european artists in the 19th century, and they've produced way more great writers than the chinks, by comparison, including some based rw writers like mishima.
They also had an equivalent european military culture to the europeans, and their own version of chivalry. Believing in their own divinity, they captured pretty much all of east asia and half of china, making it one of the largest empires in history, with 20% of the world's population under control. If they had not made the mistake of involving the US and getting rekt, they would have held it, too.
So there's an affinity there. Spiritual aryans.