Quoted By:
I'll bite.
OP is a liberal jew from someplace else, likely reddit, who hates 4chan and what it represents -free speech. It's also likely he is one of those responsible for the destruction of /b/'s culture by flooding it with porn. They do not like the creation of this board, because it's culture will not be vulnerable to a flood of porn as /b/'s was. It's just more work for them. They want to prevent the development of this board in whatever way they can - because they hate 4chan.
Also, OP wants to send everybody a message here (indirectly).
1. He wants you all to think that /pol/ is weak and has succumb redditors.
2. He wants you to believe /pol/ was never the a home for racist bigots and/or trump supporters.
3. He wants you all to think that the people who post on this site want what swjs like him call a "safe space".
4. Most of all, he wants to fool you into thinking that the problem this board is trying to resolve has nothing to do with the exploitation of /b/'s free speech by flooding it with porn thereby destroying its culture - but is instead a matter of 4chan's overall political incorrectness which he hates with a passion.