Quoted By:
>Every day will I praise thee, every day will I bless thee
Let us discuss some level of politics so they Jannies don’t get mad. I believe in the Christian theocratic state; we should be divided up into 4 groups.
There shall be the Catholics, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Protestants.
There, the 3 groups shall mock the Protestants when they schism for the 10,000 time (I jest).
But, it seems rather reasonable to establish religious liberties (you get the first 3 ecumenical councils must be followed).
From here, a guaranteed second amendment style that refuses all regulation, and makes the exception for technological growth (what the second is supposed to be), banning women from working, and insensitive to have 4+ children.
When reading Justin Martyr’s first apology, I discovered that the premise of the Eucharist was found even within the early church (not including Ignatius of Antioch’s Epistles). In short, the premise of the literal blood and body of Christ is found within the early church
I have also found out the premise of using churches that have bishops as reference for legitimacy is found within the early church to help
combat Gnosticism (shout out to Irenaeus)
With the lack of /cgt/s going up and Christian threads that are easily identifiable, we need to start posting more. I can’t keep doing this stuff forever guys. I visited the monastery for the weekend and I know you guys have been spreading the faith, but a more centralized system would be more beneficial for seeking answers