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"Noooo you can't be vegetarian (or vegan) and have opinions..."
Cue... Dumb / pseudo intellectual comment.
Cue... "Pro meat" "love meat" "need meat" "anti vegetarian" "everything I hate is s o y" "illogical rants about vegetarianism (or veganism)" "So...stop shoving your diet down my throat"...
Cue... "Health experts" / Propaganda.
Cue... I have no morals regarding animals, look how "tough" and edgy I am.
Cue... Will eat more animals, so edgy, to spite you.
Cue... "Plants are alive"... Doesn't understand sentience.
Cue... "Ur a liberal leftist then"... No I'm not ... But you mainstream "right" are pretty shit, cringe, and hypocrites too.
Cue... "Ur so weak hurr hurr"... No I'm not, and at least my character is even stronger too.
Cue... "We" (mouthpiece for "all of humanity)... well "we"..."we"... Yeah fuck your "we" (you're the low standard of humanity)
Cue... "Stay mad" vegetarian... I'm not, I feel nothing towards you.
Cue... "Vegan" blah blah... I'm not "vegan" but I have nothing against vegans but I encourage vegetarianism since raising animals should be in the hands of animal lovers and eggs and dairy are fine if the animals aren't harmed.
Cue... "Ur a liberal tranny"... No, the hormones are added to meat, eggs and dairy, because of the cruel toxic mass meat industry because of selfish toxic shits such as you... Screwing over vegetarians like me to pay more for free range organic eggs / hormone free eggs and organic / hormone free dairy.
Cue... "Ur a boy s o y a BOY S O Y cuz S O Y"... I eat s o y sometimes, it's been around 1000s of years, meat boy.
Cue... "Well animals do it"... I'm not an animal, I have the choice to survive without it. (True carnivores in nature have a different digestive system...meat is also their food...)
Cue... "How does it effect you? Why care?" Food shortages, cruelty, lower quality food, cost of better food to go up, crops getting tainted by bacteria from animal slaughter... Etc.
Generic shit people.