>>8334481White men are woman-worshiping heretics.
YHWH explicitly allows child brides, including in cases of rape (taphas), Devarim chapter 22, verse 28: Na'ar (hebrew masoretic text), Padia (greek Septuagint), Puella (latin Vulgate).
White men are protestant heretics that basically follow marconism: they see the old testament God as an evil being who's laws were wiped away by JAYSUUUSSS.
"Better A Millstone" is their creed. (If they studied they would see that passage condemns them: it is an anti-religious freedom passage and was used to burn them in the past), and "KJV" because they cannot bear the though of studying other languages.
Vote for Joe Biden in 2020.
"Pedo Joe 2020"
As you can see (picture of biden looking at girl), Biden has very good tastes. Unlike white men.
Remeber: Irish are not white.
White hate "lawyer bullshit" too, and programming and anything not a RHEEAL MMHHRRAANNNS Job.
"Physical Strength is a virtue only in cattle" --Old greek proverb, but white men only value physical strength: because they are a martrical society that likes only what MMUUUHHH WHITE WUUUMAN likes.