Quoted By:
>be normie libertarian on an sjw campus
>quite happy with my life despite friendship paradox
>US election causing tensions in friendships
>ignore and continue on with life, don't really care too much about politics
>DJT announces he will be coming to hold a rally on my campus
>good opportunity to see a candidate irl, reserve tickets for two, begin offering friends tickets
>friends shun me entirely
>trump rally comes along, go alone
>friends hold a protest
>pic related
>no one seems to care
>I realize I don't have to care either
>attend the rally, quite enjoy it
>days pass
>former friends organize a new club on campus related to antifa
>demand the school form a diversity council, offer safe spaces, etc
>seek out answers to what these people are becoming, find /pol/
>roommate sees me browsing /pol/, reports me to friends, they post my pics around the dorm labeling me a fascist
>student life doesn't respond
>the club surrounds me during lunch chanting BLM one day
>really getting frustrated, sperg out and decide to embrace it. get MAGA hat, pepe pin, and socialism sucks shirt. deploy.
>literal shakening occurs
>zero friends left
>half of campus hates me
>winter break, new semester
>meet /pol/ack in class, he notices pepe pin, we talk a bit
>very slowly develop into a casual acquaintanceship
>starting to miss friends, invite him to hang out occasionally
>he already has friends, but we get the opportunity every now and then
>he doesn’t know about my past, sees former friends and mocks them with me
>feelsgood to share bantz
>semester is ending
>still zero friends, but anon was the closest I had. last day of class, I toss him my pepe pin.
>he catches up and wishes me well. exchange goodbyes. probably won’t ever see each other again.
>back at dorm
>neighbor/old friend notices the pin is gone
>she comments on it, says we should grab dinner or something
>I tell her to fuck off
>get drunk, great loneliness, no regrets