>>13755565God, I need to write it down as a copypasta or something, but:
The Red Deer guy was stupid as fuck, but probably still correct. If you're not seeing more people acting oddly, driving like maniacs, snapping at people over stupid stuff, and doing weird-ass shit by now, you need to go out more. It's not just stress.
The biggest problem with the Red Deer idea is that everyone's getting vaxxed at different times, have different bodytypes, weigh more, weigh less, have wildly different diets and lifestyles, getting vaxxed by different companies, maybe even mixing and matching doses.
We're not going to see a lightswitch being toggled in the heads of millions of people, it's going to be more like a "frog in a pot" thing, a slow degradation over the course of years, it's happening so slowly that the average public either doesn't notice or doesn't care. I've even got a family member that blames people acting crazy on them being "THAT" political party, and not sane like "US".
People making more bad decisions, people getting confused more easily, vaxxed people getting sick from COVID and not once blaming the manufacturer/TV/hospital.
Mark my words, a year or two from now, just about everyone's going to be at each other's throats, if not sooner, assuming there's enough people left that aren't just robotic NPCs by then.