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Direct message to baked Alaska: If you are reading this, you keep this to yourself, you do not talk about this to anyone or even suggest that any of this could possibly be going on.
Because if you repeat what I'm about to say then your going to look crazy.
I can say it because I'm a random anon on 4chan :)
So let's get into this
>Baked Alaska built up his reputation over the past few years edging himself from a libertarian into being more and more right wing.
>Over Time, he built up a niche of people who liked talking about nationalism and JQ but not in a larpy 1488 style
>All was going decently well, so it appeared
>At some point, he started cucking on many of the things that he had previously said. Trying to tone things down (Even though his stuff is already toned down as is) and therefore the niche of nationalistic people who like to casually talk about JQ and other nationalist related things started to make fun of him and stopped watching his stuff as much because his content was being watered down rather than spiced up. This feeling of "It sucks that BA cucked out" eventually turned into a rage the past few days by his fans and other youtubers who used to like him because not ONLY was he counter signaling his old positions on things, he did a complete 180 and has now revealed that he's become a try hard who wants to unironically fit into the LA culture that EVERYONE on our side of politics hates and ridicules.
He wanted to become the thing that everyone who ever liked him has always made it clear.... they hate.
And worst of all, he failed at it
And now he is left with no real fans
The people who are still subbed probably haven't gotten around to un-subbing.
So that's the surface rundown of what's going on
Now let's talk about how all of this may be a psy-op on Baked Alaska to try and get him to crumble
Baked Alaska must ask himself a series of questions in order to figure out if something fishy is going on:
Continuing further in comments....