>>9345482>At this point more than half of Mexico is up here and they're pretty much all 90-95% indio goblinos. Tired of this bullshit assertion by you Mejiputos that you guys are white. I don't give a fuck if you and your family are güeros, recognize that everyone else is a puto indio and fuck you elites for fucking up the country so bad that all of the pinches indios culeros have to come invade here.cope
European Mexicans are Mexican citizens or, people who identify with the Mexican cultural or national identity, who are of complete or predominant European descent.[8] While the Mexican government does conduct ethnic censuses in which a Mexican has the option of identifying as "White"[9] the results obtained from these censuses are not published. What Mexico's government publishes instead is the percentage of "light-skinned Mexicans" there are in the country, with it being 47%[4] in 2010 and 49% in 2017.[10]