>>18051782yesterday on /v/ i saw a thread about mortal kombat, whats your opinion on its developers developing ptsd as a result of being surrounded by relatively realistic animated gore and archives of real gore for reference every day for months then proceeding to avoid sleep as much as possible because of the constant graphic nightmares
i think if you choose to work on mortal kombat you should know what you're signing up for but on the other hand idk if they necessarily did choose to work on that game or if the studio allocated devs that work on a different project to work on mk but assuming they chose to work on it voluntarily i guess technically it's not just about sympathy but about the procedure because i also heard that the studio didn't really offer them any kind of accommodations for the ptsd like maybe letting them work on some less gory elements for a while or whatever which i think they're supposed to have an obligation to have something like that because of the obvious potential for those consequences, everyone knows that most people cant inundate themselves with graphic stuff and just be ok, i heard a little bit about the similar trauma thing happening with content moderators at the big social media sites too where they have to see a bunch of retarded and graphic shit every day or something like that, i forget the details exactly but similar principle, it's also more interesting in a way because everyone just thinks lol yea social media is bad lol but people rarely consider how depraved stuff that gets posted can be especially considering these places have a billion users so there's gonna be sick shit posted all the time every day but nobody sees it because of the moderation, and yea there's always been ai moderation but even the ai tools today arent foolproof and there still needs to be humans involved in the process