Any criticism of christianity is being censored on /pol/ !
Pro christian threads are allowed all day however criticizing Christianity gets your thread purged!
See who you can not criticize to see who rules you.
Previous thread: I wanted to say:
>>254401208>People were aware of schizophrenia No they where not.
>during that time The bible literally testifies that:
1) jesuses parents Joseph and Merry did tell others that their jesus is MENTALLY ILL AND CRAZY! Read your bibles folks!
2) Other people where accusing jesus of being demon possessed in that time people where thinking that schizophrenia and other mental illness where by demons. Read your bibles folks.
> you say why didnt any other schizophrenic at the time gain a following and become a christ figure?They did read your bible. All there prophets you read are in the streets are most likely scam artists or schizophrenics. You know hearing gods voice all the time. The cult of jesus was a minor sect at the time of jesus.
If you are asking why Christianity has the numbers it has today its because of the Roman empire.
Emperor Theodosius I.
He literally did say that not being christian is illegal now and every Roman citizen must be christian.
Pagan temples where smashed and people executed and the Roman empire used its military power to invade other countries and tell them to convert. Other Christian nations continued this practice.
My country Poland celebrates its christening when Mieszko Pierwszy decided to do the same policy and stop paganism, check when christieanity was forced by a king AKA dictator in your country.
The logic of Emperor Theodosius I has multiple theories to them. Was he a christian? Wanted to use Christianity to unifie the empire and believed it to be bullshit?
Any questions?
/pol/ Christians want to hide this truth from you.