>"Something wet and wild, you say?"Carmody Jefferson grins at Sola Fire's phrasing for her drink preference.
>"You mean, other than what's already..... nah. We'll save that kind of talk for later. Let's have another drink."Carmody goes with Sola to the bar. At the other side of the bar from where they were, the countertops are black marble, and there is an oddly electric-looking water feature decorating a sprawling lounge area. She approaches the bartender, but she's not sure exactly what kind of mixed drinks would fit the bill.
>"What are your drink specials here anyway? Me and my girlfriend are looking for something wet and wild tonight."The mixologist quickly sizes them up. Two young, tipsy, sweaty young ladies, probably from the college. No doubt they want something sweet, sugary, and full of both alcohol and caffeine, and aren't overly concerned about the long-term health of their tooth enamel. "Have you tried the Indigo Superconductor? Gold rum, blueberry-infused tequila blanco, and blue raspberry vodka, cut with two parts lemonade, one part Lobster Energy drink, a squirt of simple syrup, a splash of blue grenadine, and a drop of petrol?"
Carmody blinks.
>"Uhhh, sure, whatever that is. Just put it on my tab. And, uhh, two waters too, okay?"As the mixologist begins to fix up two of the complicated concoction, Carmody turns to Sola and smiles.
>"Night's still young, baby. What do you wanna do next? Take a tour around the club? Step out to the balcony for some fresh air? Find a cozy little corner to make out in? Maybe hit the dance floor again?"Carmody's eyes drift over the flashing lights and the opulence of Club Cyberia, but they end up on Sola, the light perspiration on her lithe body glowing faintly in the neon light, and an excited, slightly-tipsy smile that it's a frequent struggle not to lean forward and crush with a kiss.