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I'm not fat and never will be but I hang around lots of fat people because I'm in America.
The body acceptance movement, misinformation about generally healthy eating habits and good old apathy seem to be the main reasons.
>body acceptance
Why would you be motivated to lose weight and be healthy when literally everyone in America is telling you that it's healthy to be obese? Nobody is going to shame you, ridicule you or anything else because they don't want to break the social contract of body positivity. This play into...
The fact that everyone has some new diet that allegedly burns pounds and doesn't require you to change your behaviors. Gee wow if I stop jerking off and eating red meat I'll lose weight???? Well what about the 6 pizzas that I eat every day? You're telling me I just have to take off the pepperoni and I'll lose weight??? WOWEEE! Because in the end they don't want to do the actual work to follow a good diet. Which brings me to my final point of....
Nobody cares about themselves, anyone else or what people say about them. They don't have to either. American society emphasizes and encourages putting yourself into your own bubble. When you don't care about yourself or your health and know nobody else does it's quite easy to fall into vices.
Find me a fat person and I'll show you where they're being affected by one of these.