>>17487315she's got some good points; I don't agree with all of it, but she's definitely working in the right direction.
I'm quite surprised that more women haven't tried speaking out like this publicly / on social media, because it'd obviously get them a TON of attention, and it might actually begin to heal the wounds that were caused by the #MeToo movement, as well as the sociopolitical issues surrounding the ≥millions of men under 30 in the west who are not having sex or who've never had sex. It's an epidemic, and it's causing a lot more than just sexual frustration. These poor young men are absolutely miserable, and nobody's listening to them. In fact, they're doing the opposite of listening to them. Instead of being seen as a problem, they're being made fun of, chided, and turned into pariahs within their social loops.
That girl's got balls (not literally) to finally break into this HUGE issue that's plaguing the entire western world's heterosexual male population. Even the chads out there are complaining about the attitudes of women and the toxic (truly) environment that surrounds relations between heterosexual males and females. It's out of hand and I really hope more women and men get on board with trying to fix some of these issues. When men don't get laid, nothing gets done and everyone's miserable, period. Just look around you.