>>15748921>Get McWageSlave job>Save ever last dime at least ≥60% of income>Live at home if you are able and don't get a car unless its absolutely necessary for your job instead take the bus or bum rides from your parents. >Once you have 30k saved up you then take the /biz/ pill.Stock Options, Structured Products, maybe debt instruments like Bonds/Notes no CRYpto shit. It takes about a year to learn these things and longer to unlearn all the lies and half truths people will spam at you.
>Muh down cost average into SPY>Muh LEAPS>Muh short 30-45 DTE options And if you don't know what you are doing you'll become bankrupt in a instant so be VERY careful.Best advise I'll give you is to wait at least 6 months before trading and study during that time don't paper trade if you do you will develop bad habits. Just read read read anything and everything on finance watch documentarys watch the markets study a lot.
>no creditKek your Credit score is easy enough to dork don't feel to bad about your current low score.Also P2P lending is a thing...don't tell no one I told you though shhhh.
Good luck and God Bless you.