>>18939842ITT 9 out of 10 comments are by south indian dravidian abo-nigger cannibal-class JIDF-hired shills with VPN flags
All the history about India, Aryans, and the AngloKikeDravidian unholy trinity compressed in one thread: (sorry, it's unorganized, but sometimes the subconscious picks up information better this way)
>>445380099https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/445380099Dravidian south indian subhuman nigger shill posts archived (go from page 11 onwards):
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/username/dravidian/page/11/They have been posting the same shit for years, it is almost laughable what they write, but gives a clear idea of what images are spammed by the dravidian shills employed by JIDF. This mistake by the kikes is gonna cost them TKD, they should never have employed such inept subhumans.