>>11244254>Official report still stands as the best description of eventsthis has to be fucking bait
>>11244260>expected radius of the buildingyet only cars are effected... remember that important fucking detail. and very few of them are crushed, they look more like they blew up. not damage from falling debris, as i have already tried to show many times..
>The cars on the waterside drive, could they have caught fire due to it spreading from one car to another?possible, but still the issue of what caused even the first one to ignite.
>unless they are jews of coursekek, in all seriousness though.. you would expect at least one person be crushed by the tremendous amount of debris falling around them? video posted earlier shows just how many people were at the base of the buildings even, yet not one person hit by anything?
>smashed onescould be. but the vast majority look like they withered away, not crushed. take this car for instance, it "looks" like the rear was crushed.. but note the rear tires.. there is no fucking way this was damaged from falling debris, this thing looks like it imploded.
>Most debris in the street consist of paper and other light materials.why? there was 200 thousand tons of steel in each tower alone.. where is all the damn steel? there is paper under burning cars in some instances.