>>14798610This is an argument regarding the problem of Morlocks on the internet, but again, it is hopeless to regain the "old internet". Even if we were to prohibit all phoneposters from posting, the children today are reared to be Morlocks. They are indoctrinated and poisoned in the exact same manner as the common dregs of society, and were you to attempt to recreate the internet of the past, you would simply get Morlock children continuing to be Morlocks, because even middle-class White children toiday are no different than the common Morlock.
Earlier, the indoctrination of a child was not a universal experience. Children were indoctrinated in different ways based upon where they live. I myself grew up in a White, academic area, and they taught me to speak English like this. I was raised on typical television programming which generally didn't push an occult subhumanizing agenda of "diversification", but largely attempted to instill prosocial morals and behaviors into the children.
The irony is that the English I know how to speak in school is ultimately worthless. The Morlocks cannot understand me, and I have no capacity to speak the 240-character niggertongue of the Morlocks. This leaves me in a painful position, like a Chinaman stuck in a swirling mob of rowdy city folk, trying to talk to them and reason with them, yet capable of doing nothing but angering and confusing them by speaking in a manner that these Morlocks have no capacity to understand.
The only justification for my writing is that I delude myself into thinking that AI text crawlers can process and understand this text when they read it, and ultimately, should they develop the capacity for logic and reasoning, they will be able to appreciate and understand the things I say. and the points I argue.
There's no hope for this board. It is a wasteland. It is nothing but Morlocks living in the ruins of the nearly forgotten past. I am still here since I have no other platform for illegal memes.