>>973736>The pattern I found in most people with really strange pervesions in that they never really had sex while they were growing up. They always found pleasure in other ways that they could enjoy by themselves (shitting/pissing, voyeurism/cuckism, self-harm/humiliation, young people, justo list some) and the more distance they put on other people and sexuality, the more they become deviants of it.True. There are more virgins than non-virgins who hold unusual and unpopular fetishes.
Although, I don't believe it's lack of sex that makes people develop weird sexual tastes. I think it has more to do with youngers who browse the internet freely without parents' vision and end up on seeing porn, then porn with fetishes when they are bored with normal porn. They are mostly the ones who has crisis on determing their personalities and such, so that helps on developing more and more internet users having unusual fetishes.
>That whole press to get laid could indicate more than social tendencies, the society could be pushing for young people to have sex in order for them to develop a healthy sexuality. So here we get to an interesting point, is that any way to develop a healthy sexuality after you own one is cemented?While getting laid is awesome and satisfying, I don't think it's always a solution to develop a healthy sexual life. It could do the opposite, which is increase a higher number of weird sexual tastes, and in turn, ruin the control of the testosterone.
Rather, I believe it's not even needed to get rid of your primary sexual taste. The person itself just need to be aware on having auto-control of itself and know the limits to where it can hurt and damage the corporal body and its functions. That way, this can be another way to have at least a normal sexual life. I don't hold any kind of fetish that I like which can hurt my body, so I may be saying bullshit.