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Austim is the type of diease that you can only get from females
what are you taking about OP?
how can you "fake autism"
because If you can point this out to me?
because It might work on a male autist to remove mine.
if one can fake it it should also be possiable to do it in revease.
the only think I can fake fairlly well for a short time is being normal
you'll find out that autism is involantary it just pops up ever so often.
If you can get social early in life you can supess the shit out of it but not for a long time.
But faking it?
Nothing I ever heard of.
Male autism is far worse than female autism
autism it self is a new word for hermit's psycholgical hanicap.
femal austism shows up differently from male autism.
t. Male autist.