>>16084571>This is not a freemason you are talking to. This is a FED using le old reverse psychology to goat you into organizing a little hate group that the FED has a mandate to take down.Don't ever form your own groups, guys. If you do, it's automatically a hate group. Only the feds want you to get organized into your own benevolent fraternal organizations. Thos is reverse psychology one-oh-one. The government HATES it when you stay isolated and atomized posting shitty memes on an image board and never creating your own grass roots political or fraternal personal development organizations.
Stay isolated, atomized, afraid, and ineffective. The feds HATE that. If you want to be part of something greater, you must join a lodge.
Those are your only two options. Stay isolated, or join masonry. There is no 3rd position.
Do NOT form your own fratneral organizations offline, IRL, to rival Freemasonry, or you are a fed.
Final warning.