>>10343271>CERNOpening doorways to other realms and not closing them properly damages the fabric and integrity of our reality, these "tears" for lack of a better world allows more and more free intrusions into our world. CERN is tearing holes into the fabric of our reality by opening doorways into other dimensions/levels physically, but on a massive level. Why are they doing this? Cause they're suckers who listen and believe to the invaders preparing to come in force. People think the Greys and Reptilians are bad when they don't fall for the fake memories, but just wait until the Mantids show up they're basically Demonic locusts that will strip the world of everything.
Possibly even causing the planet to cease to exist, a worse fate then Mars.
If it makes anyone feel better the Big League Demons aren't going to bother showing up, contrary to what the CERN cult is expecting I think. They don't need to, nor want to.