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Simplest argument against the christian God is the three pillars, which plays on the problem of pain.
God is
>all knowing
>all loving
>all powerful
These cannot all 3 be true in the world in which we live.
A god who allows the nearly infinite suffering of some individuals; children who are raped to death in Africa by blacks who believe it will cure their aids. Children born as mewling mutants who are barely alive. That infant that was raped by that musician. people with "locked in syndrome" who are fully cognizant but also fully paralyzed (i knew a 12 year old girl who developed into this as a result of a neuro degenerative disorder). These are evil fates of enormous suffering to people who have no cognitive ability to find "salvation" through Jesus or understand the concept of inherited original sin.
either God does not know of such evils and therefore cannot stop them, knows and is powerless to stop them, or knows but does not care to stop them.