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-Begin Log-
Subject #0001
Log #0001
Subject Name: Jordan Manuel Rivera
Aliases: Yonkers, Yonkres, Yoinkass, Yonkacado, Yonkacado Avocado, Chonkers, Chonkres, Macker, Macker Relashni, Macker Mellemantle Relashni, House Tour, The Serpent, Megan, Joshie, Joshua, Ralsei, Yonkers-Chan, Shitfoot, Sofia, Sophia, Kitty God, Kitty Lord, Kitty Cat Lord
Status: Alive
--Physical Description:
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic, Non-white
Subject Jordan M. Rivera is a presumably human, male of Latin American descent. Exact height and weight measurements are unknown, but from image data collected, it is obvious that he is a man of short stature and great corpulence. He has been most often observed wearing casual clothing, generally a t-shirt and a pair of pants. It should be noted that the clothing he wears often have unidentified stains on them.
The subject has a meager amount of facial hair, consisting of a light moustache as well as a thin neckbeard. Examination of the hair has revealed large amounts of grease, sweat and detritus on the strands.
Subject's overall hygiene is poor. His teeth are yellowed and stained, and various dark spots are scattered all over his body. Images of his hands and feet have revealed dirty, untrimmed nails.
Aside from the aforementioned characteristics, there is nothing noteworthy about the subject's physical properties.