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perfect in every way Anonymous (ID: hv15c+xs) 08/30/17(Wed)00:08:05 No.1983103▶
>>1983107 >>1983113 >>1983138This is my wife. Be nice to her.
>> Anonymous (ID: TISreDYT) 08/30/17(Wed)00:09:19 No.1983107▶
>>1983108File: 1358062931793.jpg (22 KB, 328x328)
22 KB
>>1983103 (OP)GAHAHAHA
>> Anonymous (ID: hv15c+xs) 08/30/17(Wed)00:09:41 No.1983108▶
>> Anonymous (ID: k3GLNXjF) 08/30/17(Wed)00:10:10 No.1983110▶
She cute
>> Anonymous (ID: 1e4qDGEl) 08/30/17(Wed)00:10:16 No.1983113▶
>>1983121 >>1983147>>1983103 (OP)Nigga thats a man
>> Anonymous (ID: hv15c+xs) 08/30/17(Wed)00:11:37 No.1983121▶
>>1983113this is 2017, dont be a bigot
>> Anonymous (ID: nAooaKBW) 08/30/17(Wed)00:15:59 No.1983138▶
>>1983103 (OP)Can I have her mommy please
>> Anonymous (ID: k3GLNXjF) 08/30/17(Wed)00:18:37 No.1983147▶
>>1983181>>1983113Wait shit is that asriel?
>> Anonymous (ID: fKl3pvr/) 08/30/17(Wed)00:27:30 No.1983181▶
>>1983191>>1983147Yeah. Of course it is. Who else do you think makes autistic threads like this? People with good taste and well adjusted?