>>10070991part 3)
By his own words, Alfred Kinsey was trying to revive the work of Magnus Hirschfield, (you know the one who got his books burnt by the nazis in the infamous nazi autodafe)
he was himself openly homosexual sadistic and a pedophile. Kinsey in his work abused 1475 children as young as 2 to prove his theories, trying to prove that kids had a sexual drive and push for allowing child fucking. More than that, his studies were also fraudulent as his reports (the famous kinsey reports) were based on studies that included nearly 50% of psychopath and 80% of clinical sexual deviant, all counted as "random test subjects".
Smelly already? its only the begining. kinsey was funded by the Rockfeller foundation and Playboy (Natasch Jaitt was killed for revealing they organised pedo orgies for hollywood in the 70s, Playboy also published some pedo special magazines at that time)
Kinsey is considered now by many as one if not the most important figure of the "sexual liberation" movement and even got his own biographic movie to praise him with Liam Neeson playing his role in 2004.
He is adored by modern SJW movements, one of his close friend (Also a mason?) John Money Is the one who performed the first transgender surgery on a kid at this time, with details and ethics that would make Mengele look like a joyful kid.
But this goes even deeper, Kinsey's foundation, The Siecus and his succesor Mary Calderone, would end up being the reference for sex ed and sexual freedom law worldwide.
The WHO, The international Family planing (IPPF), The Unesco, The UN and the E.U all used his work and his definitions (Like the definition of "evolutive sexual capacities") for their official Recomandations and policies, that are followed in virtually every western public school todays sex ed.