>>5962242>benzodiazepinesI'm skeptical about the use of it, as am I skeptical about the use of many drugs intended for psychiatric use. In Sweden great efforts have been done to minimize the use of benzodiazepines which I think is good, but not always. It seems to be rather easy for one to develop an addiction to benzodiazepines, and I would not believe anything else than that there can be grave long-term side effects from the use of them, not least when it comes to cognitive function and memory. I think the use of them should be restricted to when it's absolutely needed. Another issue with restricting them (here) is that psychiatrists and doctors instead tend to prescribe neurolepticum and anti-histamines. I think it is very foolish to prescribe heavy anti-psychotics to someone suffering from insomnia, something that happens here - they are not malignant medication and one should be very careful with prescribing them, just because something is not addictive or does not have recreational use it does not mean that they are to prescribed lightly. Strong anti-histamines or phenothiazines might be a better bet for sleep related issues, and it seems to be what is mostly prescribed for it here.
>methylphenidateI'm skeptical towards psychiatry in it's whole since they classify certain behaviours, thoughts and feelings as physiological illnesses. What proof is there that the alleged disease "ADHD" is helped by methylphenidate? Does this drug not increase focus for everyone? Again, it's not something that should be used for a long period of time, I believe.