Quoted By:
ITT: Virgin's First Kiss
>be me
>be 14 yo
>parents want me to goto camp 2 improve life skills or some shit
>it's 7 hours by car to North Carolina
>camp is entire 2 weeks
>get there,
>get directed to my cabin that we'll be sleeping in 4 two days only
>meet cabinmates
>ass-burger tard that won't stfu about pokemon
>Insacure Ginger that lies just to impress people
>Deaf boy who walks really wierd
>2 guys that were ok
>girl that freaked out when she was under minuscule stress
>total 8/10 qt from
>unpack my stuff, homesick af
>try to strike up friendly conversation with qt
>"hey anon!"
>she's really nice and easy to talk to, holy shit
>talk about where we were from, what our hometown was like, what we did in free time
>holy shit this is going well
>we get really close
>she admits to having a crush on me
>we never left sides
>we always sit next together when eating meals, in van, doing hikes
>she gives me her number
>day 13
>trying 2 get sleep
>she wakes me up
>half asleep
>she's waiting by a tree
>"what do u want"
>she yanks me by the collar
>we start making out behind the tree
>we made out for god who knows how long
>she jokingly calls me an amateur,
>kisses me good night
>mfw it monsoon'd the entire trip
>mfw group was filled with normie tards
>mfw i got kissed by a junior in high school.
I still have her number to this very day