>>10910603This is a braindead Judaized r/pol/ take. Let me explain.
Do we not all agree that the wrong side won WWII? So how is it that 1950's was a paragon of virtue. It wasn't, it was all a fake facade, cowards who had survived the war not wanting to ruffle any feathers doing as they were told for their jewish masters and getting a white picket fence in return. That's all that it was. The 50's was not a golden age of culture, it was the era that invented the suburb, the mega mall, all disgusting capitalist clap-trap that would go on to breed the degeneracy that we see today. The 1960's was a revolution against the fake world of the 1950's, though almost nobody was educated enough to know that the holocaust wasn't real at that time, and that the bad guys won WWII and were in fact the parents of the hippies. The hatred of the hippies for their parents was a righteous act of God, and a fulfillment of Adolf Hitler's prophecy that his spirit would rise from the grave. Ever notice how many stoners hang out around here? How stoners are usually the first people to take the red pill? It's not a coincidence or an accident. The feds got inside the Hippie movement and destroyed it from within, because they knew exactly what it was. It was a legitimate revolutionary sentiment stirring in the hearts of the youth and they had to shut it down. They did that by staging the Manson murders and assassinating JFK. If the 1960's would have been allowed to reach maturity, the entirety of the US would have denied the holocaust as a fabricated lie made by filthy war profiteers by the year 2,000. The Jews could not have the youth of the 1960s thinking for themselves.