>>304124Note that this skepticism also should play a part with the information beamed into any given individual related to advertising, tv, newspapers, etc.
But just look at the millions and millions of people who take any of this for granted, for most people what they see and experience everyday throughout their reality, what they can see with their own eyes is far away from the truth that the internet tells them to be.
Forums like 4chan act like politicians and religious leaders, creating a fantasy world out there people can find hope in, or in 4chans case a lit to vent their frustration and hatred towards the world and reality, wether it's their reality or the one made believe by the media / internet.
All in all humans take the flow of information presented by the comfy channels they're used to as the word of god, because ones you take that reality away there is not much left.
And that makes people insecure which makes them do crazy things so it's better to live in a make belief hell then a happy reality if they're bound to seek it, mostly resulting in someone running through endless circles seeking answers and stories that are just a perpatuate make belief fantasy reality they themselves wish to belief as it has nothing to do with the real, the real world around them, the things they see with their own eyes in their own immediate environment, this is how advertising, politics and religion work too.
People more sensitive to this are quickly drawn in and for them it's harder to let go, hence a lot of religious and ethnic based arguments stick throughout time as it hits us the hardest, it marks us deep inside cause it highlights certain aspects of ourselves we cannot change.