>>21851796In general milkproducts got way more expensive. Whey also got more expensive, but it seems like the prices got lowered, as they became absolutely insane and I also stopped buying it.
>>21851816If I was to mix blueberries or other frozen berries into a meal, Quark or Skyr naturally would be superior to that Protein-cream I make.
I got 2k of the powder for 27,17€ on black friday. It's cheaper than whey and the protein is more like cheese/quark, thus longerlasting/supplying for body.
20x 85gr (it says 90gr, but let's say it has "only" 85) = 1700gr protein per 2kg
One 500gr Quark has 60gr. How much does a Quark cost now? About 1€? If yes, you'd need 28€ for the same amount of protein. But you also have the waste of the plastic. The sugar of the Quark, the mucus. Pretty easy call for me. Quark only if I want to do something with it.
>>21851800Never thought of adding a sauce to the Matjes. I ate Aldi Forelle with that Aufstrich though.
There was a time though when they changed the recipe of the regular Matjes and added some Rote Beete sauce into it. I think they discontinued this fast, cause this was disgusting.
The matjes was the "nutrition"-food. I wanted the fat of the fish. Bismarckbrötchen somehow tasted better though.