>>441558687>I'm feeling infinitely better about being self taught thanks to this thread. Holy fuck.You took the time to retopo something by hand, you're already off to a better start than 80% of modellers in the industry at this point. You're learning fundamental concepts that will improve your modelling and UV'ing ten fold, fundamentals that most institutions are not teaching anymore because the industry itself either automates or farms out the really time consuming processes and just wants a cog for the machine rather than a craftsmen who's put in the time to learn their trade.
You're unlikely to ever land yourself a position in a prestigious 3D gulag working 100 hour weeks on the 50th installment of whatever ubishit is shitting out, but keep at it, keep your work clean, keep it optimized, and your work will find it's way across a jaded old leads desk on a smaller production who I guarantee will give you work for making them crack a smile instead of wanting to strap you to the front of a fucking cannon.