>>20701625>[Kelly relays the situation. "The situation." Fuck.]"Look. Kels, Oi... Oi dun' fink lessa ya fah bein' mates wiff Casso. Not at awl. Ask me who me best mate is 'round 'ere and youse'd know Oi ain't no strane-jah ta some rough BOY GAWDESS comp'ny. But Oi dun' loik 'er, yeah? An' Oi almost did some dumb shit ta get ta her meself back when. But... nah, she ain't totes a bad person. Oi've see da way she takes care-a her sistah, and Oi mean... Oi dunno if youse loik Nicko all that much, tee-bee-haitch. But she's a mate-a moin. And Casso takes care-a her. And this new cuz she got spearin' cunts frew cages and shit. An' Kazoo, an Oi reckon she's a handful? And... youse, 'parrently. So maybe ya got it back ta front. Maybe Casso's a good cunt dat does bad fings sometoims? But, loik, fah good reasons? But... ta good kids loik blondie? Ah fuck, Oi dunno."
"Deff-proof. Oi heard what Kanko did. An' Oi saw dat big ranga spear her frew the fucken cage. Oi... fuck me dead, Oi wished it was moy. Oi wan'ed ta get me hands on 'er fah what she did ta ya. Even back den, I did. The uvvah free... Oi guess one ain't Loles, I saw her in da hospy. Cunt din't even know who Oi was. Mav... shit, ain't loiked her since Oi got back ta Spag Town. Stole me fucken hat gimmick. Who's da green cunt, Seal? Well, shit, best Oi dun tork about frogs. Pink haired cunt, Reins? Dunno a fing about 'er... and the big one. Fucken furious meat."
"Four a dem against youse, Kazoo and Casso, yeah? Four on free..."
>[Sheila slowly shakes her head.]"Nah. Nah, fuck dat. If Kanko wants ta smash me mates from ba-hoind, den Oi'm gawna beat the fuck outta her when she sees me comin'. Dis ain't fah Cassie fucken Kade. Dis ain't fah Kazoo. And da uvvah free Deffproof cunts... dey picked da wrong soid."
"Oi'll do it fah youse, Kels. Wiff ya, faw ya, next ta ya. But dis dun' settle shit wiff me and Casso. Orright? Ya want me, ya got me, one noight only."