>1.11. Patrik Baboumian and other athletesPatrik Baboumian, the strongest vegan on earth, lied about holding a world record that actually belongs to Brian Shaw[1]. Patrik has never even been invited to World's Strongest Man. He dropped the weight[2] during his "world record", which was done at a vegetarian food festival where he was the only competitor. His unofficial deadlift PR is 360kg[3], but the 2016 world record was 500kg. We can compare his height-relative strength with the Wilks Score and see that he is being completely dwarfed by Eddie Hall (208 vs 273). Patrik also lives on supplements. He pops about 25 pills a day[4] to fix common vegan nutrient deficiencies and gets over 60% of his protein intake from drinking shakes[5]. Also, here's a summary[6] on almost every pro athlete that either stopped being vegan, got injured, has only been vegan a couple of years, retired or was falsely promoted as vegan.