>>19967596>That's pretty much what Atheists believe.That's where all christians, muslims, and jews go as well because they think their witchcraft religion is being all love and peace on them when in reality it's being an art of war since Christianity's original purpose was to destroy Romans from within as a form of revenge and to claim Jerusalem and the christians did do that. However, just because they worshipped an imaginary kike in their governments, that didn't mean that they're worship kikes for real like pic related as they expected, and thus islam was born to utilize a different cuontry's armed forces against the christian ones to take jersualem and they were successful but then they too didn't want to worship jews like in pic related despite worshipping a different imaginary jew.
The image both religions carry are falsehoods and both are subversive books of witchcraft and politician manipulation since Christianity and Islam didn't become popular because of people converting. They were church-state religions enforced by armed forces of the state by traitors to their own people who sought temporary material wealth at the cost of their eternal lives.
Fast forward to the future and many false wars later and now jews finally occupy Jersualem after 2000 years of failure while the kikes who wrote their religion sent their own and non-jews into non-existence or they got ate by a higher being because when enoch became metatron he didn't transform like a caterpillar does into a butterfly. He became that being because he assimilated into it much like how food assimilates into your organs, skin, etc.
It's why in heaven they all become one and the angels represent spiritual beings that know how to astral project that help move their agenda along on earth. Beings with physical bodies on a physical planet that needs to get nuked.