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Nothing but a numbers game, really. We keep the bottom 10% third world so the next third is too anxious for their next paycheck to demand basic decency in their job. Housing stays half empty unless folks tick boxes drafted by paranoid, disaffected robots. In this age, where we are scripted by gamified manchildren with a Rand complex, all that is profound, awkwardly complex, or not in fashion, will die out. I'll be there to see their heads roll - my mask is all but stapled on for that. But how people that haven't done a single worthy thing in their life run the show is an issue known to the lowest of you. Just the aims you take at (((them))) or these parties, and even media, are but a syndrome, some time, rarely. What we need (quote my homeless mate here) is see what we can do, how good it is, not who and how it's selling.
this includes quality street drugs