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Build the conditions for an African christian Thirty Years War. Inspire Global South christians to minecraft each other. Suggest to African christians to 'cut down the' other African christian 'tall trees'. Have Eritrean Orthodox clergy starve a Pentay girl to death in a shipping container for reading a Bible. Have Hispanic evangelicals barge into a catholic mass and cry idolatry at their top of their lungs. Drive a UCKG telepastor von Helder to kick a Mary statue again on live 4k television. Summon a pack of Protestant Ambazonians to hack down barefoot Catholic Cameroonian nuns into pieces with machetes. Make Ugandan evangelicals drag a child-molesting priest down a dirt road, necklace and set him on fire for a totally unrelated witchcraft accusation. Have a Boer Dutch Reformed and a kaffir Methodist spit in a Mozambican Catholic's pilgrim face, only to have the former two brutalize each other over the Remonstrant controversy. Drive a Ghanaian prosperity Pentecostal blinged-out in gold jewellery to mock a Togolese Catholic's poverty as temporal punishment for idolatry. Have a Reformed Central African burn a JW at the stake into BBQ in front of the whole village, because that's just what Reformed do to unitarians. Whisper into a Ugandan evangelical's ear to make 'em defenestrate a Congolese cardinal onto a pile of elephant shit. Make that same cardinal succeed as the new Bishop of Rome at a conclave. Make that African Pope broadcast a message of peace in European languages but really sneak copies of a Swahili Papal Bull to catholic pulpits to cut down the protestant trees. Possess a tradcath Mai-Mai militia to Magdeburgise Kigali. Have UCKG volunteers complain that African protestants are fucking lazy. Have christian denominations irradiate each other with depleted uranium. Curse African christians, the hope of 22nd century christendom to drown in their own blood that they beg with all their being for Westphalia over Chalcedon. - VI